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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description ActivityLoginBinding ActivityNavigationBinding AttackCard Holds data in the database for attack cards.AttackCardDao AttackType The type of attack that the attack card will be.BattleFragment The battle option fragment is where the user will play with their deck against the computer's deck.BattleOptionsFragment The battle options fragment contains where the user will choose which deck the user will play the computer with and which deck the computer will play with.BattleOptionsFragmentDirections BuildConfig CardCombatApplication This class serves as the entry point for the ScaleScroller application.CardCombatDatabase The CardCombat Database provides abstract methods that return the DAOs for each entity.CardCombatDatabase.Converters Provides type converters to translate Java objects into data that can be stored in the SQLite database.Deck Holds data in the database for available decks to be used.DeckDao Provides an interface with methods that perform actions on theDeck
table of the database.DeckEditorFragment The deck editor fragment is where the user will be able to create and edit their decks.DeckEditorFragmentDirections DeckRepository DeckRepository
contains methods that provide a layer of abstraction above theDeckDao
, and allows for creation, reading, updating, and deleting of decks.FragmentBattleBinding FragmentBattleOptionsBinding FragmentDeckEditorBinding FragmentMainScreenBinding FragmentQrCodeBinding Game Holds data in the database for the current game to use.GameDao Provides an interface with methods that perform actions on theGame
table of the database.GameRepository GameRepository
contains methods that provide a layer of abstraction above theGameDao
, and allows for creation, reading, updating, and deleting of attempts.GoogleSignInService The GoogleSignInService class provides methods that allow the app to use Google Sign In to get user information and to associate users with players in the database.LoginActivity The launcher activity that allows the user to sign in with Google Sign In.MainScreenFragment The main screen fragment is the main navigation hub, and allows the user to go to battle options, qr code, deck editor, or logout.MainScreenFragmentDirections MainViewModel Serves as the ViewModel for all fragments except the GameFragment.NavigationActivity The main activity hosts all of the fragments needed for navigation.QrCodeFragment The qr code fragment is the that will allow the user to scan qr codes using the device's camera.QrCodeFragmentDirections Skill The skills that the unit cards will be able to activateUnit The types of possible unit cards.UnitCard Holds data in the database for available unit cards to be used.UnitCardDao Provides an interface with methods that perform actions on theUnitCard
table of the database.User Holds data in the database for users of Card Combat.UserDao Provides an interface with methods that perform actions on theUser
table of the database.UserRepository UserRepository
contains methods that provide a layer of abstraction above theUserDao
, and allows for creation, reading, updating, and deleting of attempts.