A quick, fun, PvE card game
Upon starting the app the user will be brought to the Login Screen at which point they will have to login in using a Google Account.
After logging in the user will automatically be taken to the Main Menu Screen which will then allow the user to press one of four buttons to navigate the application.
Should the user press the LOGOUT Button then the user will be logged out of their Google Account and be taken to the Login Screen.
If the user presses the SCAN QR CODE then the user will be taken to qr code scanner screen.
From the qr code scanner screen the user will be able to use the current device’s camera to scan a qr code to receive a code that can be used to create a deck.
The user can press the RETURN button to go back to the main menu screen.
If the user presses the EDIT/CREATE DECK then the user will be taken to the deck editor screen.
From the deck editor screen the user can edit their currently saved decks or create new decks to play with.
The SAVE DECK button will allow the user to save the currently selected deck.
The GENERATE QR CODE button will allow the user to generate a qr code that will be saved to the user’s clipboard or allow them into a code to create a deck.
The user can press the RETURN button to go back to the main menu screen.
If the user presses the PLAY then the user will be taken to the battle options screen.
On the battle options screen the user can choose which deck the user will be playing and which deck the computer will be playing.
The user can press the RETURN button to go back to the main menu screen.
Pressing the PLAY button will take the user to battle screen
Once the user has reached the battle screen the game will begin as described in the functionality section.
Once the game has ended the user will be taken back to the battle options screen.